Canoe adventure and visit to Bäckaskog Castle

Monday 8 July I was invited by a friend to join a canoe trip on Holjeån, a small creek close to the village Näsum. We rented canoe and equipment from Wetlandi Canoe Center and started from Västanå Kvarn (mill).

Västanå Mill is one of the country’s oldest industrial facilities still in operation. Records (an invoice to the Danes) indicate that there has been a mill here since at least 1380. Although not as old, the stone bridge over the river just south of the mill is still impressive. The bridge is nearly 50 meters long, and since no traffic has been allowed since the 1950s, one can peacefully gaze over the river from the bridge.

Under the bridge we encountered our first challenge. When we should pass the small stream, I got the tip to try and “brake” as much as possible to avoid going to the right, that was apparently not a good idea. Maybe I braked too much since we went to the left and got suck on some rocks. Got loose and could continue to the next challenge. 

After approximately 1 km down river there was a log across the river, under water. Since the water level was quite low we could not pass over it without some extra work. Climbed on to the part of the log that was over water and could drag the canoe over. 

When entering Ivösjön the sky opened up and there was lots of rain, hale, wind, waves, thunder and lightning. Got a little nervous and we decided to paddle to the shore to take “shelter” (very limited but we were not on the lake). After half an hour it was gone and we could see the sun again and continue to the end station Klackabacken.

The distance from Västanå mill and Klackabacken is 7 km. A narrow river with fantastic and magical scenery.

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On the way home we passed Bäckaskog Castle (Map).

It is a fascinating place. A former monastery, then a castle and now a hotel. It has a  museum, an old monastery kitchen, a chapel, a beautiful park and som hiking trails. The night porter, Bosse, told us about the ghost Patrik, 10 years old, who is a friendly ghost that haunt the castle. He got a cold breath from a mun when Patrik saw him die, getting stuck in the water mill. One day Patrik was gone and they never found him. Many years later bones from a child was found in a well… If you visit the hotel and feel a chilled breeze, it could be Patrik. 

The last couple of years the castle has been the scenery for the Swedish music program “Stjärnorna på slottet”.


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