Tag Archives: LCHF

Belly fat project October 2014

I started the Belly fat project 7 January 2013. Since I think it works very well with both weight loss and health I continue 🙂

When standing on the scale October 6 I thought it was showing the wrong number, 77,2 kg!!. I had to step of and try again.
The last time I was on the scale was about two month before it stopped at 81 kg and I was very happy, I reached my goal that was around 82 kg.

Comparing BMI:

7 January 2013

6 October 2014

(used this page to calculate BMI)

LCHF /Paleo bread

[from madforlivet.com] in Danish…

Paleo breadIngredienser:

100 g græskarkerner
100 g solsikke kerner
100 g mandler
100 g valnødder
100 g hørfrø
100 g sesamfrø
5 æg
1 dl ekstra jomfru olivenolie
2 tsk salt

Bland alle ingredienser i en skål. Kom massen i en smurt form. Bag brødet i en time ved 160 grader (forvarmet ovn)

Det er vigtigt at nødder, kerner og mandler kommer HELE i brødet. Blendes eller kværnes de, så frisættes de sunde men sarte fedtsyrer og de kan harskne, når brødet bages ved 160 grader (og så er de ikke spor sunde mere).


et alternativ fra kantinen på arbetet…

130 g græskarkerner
130 g hørfrø
130 g sesamfrø
120 g peanuts
80 g mandler
5 æg
1 dl ekstra jomfru olivenolie
2 tsk salt

LCHF Fralla

frallaAlternativ 1.

  • 1,5 dl mandelmjöl
  • 1 dl creme fraiche
  • 2 ägg
  • 2 msk smält smör
  • 2 msk fiberhusk
  • 2 msk sesamfrön
  • 1 tsk bakpulver
  • Ev vallmofrön

Sätt ugnen på 200° C. Blanda alla torra ingredienser. Rör i ägg, creme fraiche och smör. Klicka ut smeten till bullar/frallor på en plåt med bakplåtspapper, strö eventuellt över vallmofrön. Grädda i mitten av ugnen i ca 15-20 minuter tills LCHF-frallorna har fått en fin gyllenbrun färg.

Från LCHF-bröd.se

Alternativ 2. 

  • 50 g smör
  • 2 ägg
  • 2 dl fet yoghurt (helst Rysk)
  • 0,75 tsk salt
  • 2 tsk bakpulver
  • 2 dl mandelmjöl
  • 1 dl pofiber
  • 2 msk fiberhusk
  • Vallmofrön (eller exempelvis solrosfrön, pumpafrön, sesam, riven ost etc)

Gör så här: Vispa samman ägg, ”halvsmält” (så det lätt går att blanda ihop) smör, yoghurt, salt och bakpulver. Häll i och blanda samman med resten av ingredienserna. Låt stå i cirka 5-10 minuter så att fiberhusk och pofiber hinner absorbera vätskan så att smeten/degen blir fast. Rulla till 6 stycken bollar. Lägg dem på ugnsplåten, strössla över vallmofrön. Grädda i 175 grader i cirka 15-20 minuter eller tills de fått fin färg.

Från jillsmat.se

Belly-fat project 2013

This year it’s time to really deal with the belly and the project involves…

  1. LCHF diet (Low Carb High Fat)
  2. Supplement of Vitamin D and Omega 3 (fish oil)
  3. Exercise 


Basic tip: Maximum 5 grams of carbohydrate (excluding fibre) per 100 grams of food.

Eat all you like

  • Meat: Any type, including beef, pork, game meat, chicken, etc.  Feel free to eat the fat on the meat as well as the skin on the chicken. If possible try to choose organic or grass fed meat.
  • Fish and Shellfish: All kinds: Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or herring are great. Avoid breading.
  • Eggs: All kinds: Boiled, fried, omelettes, etc. Preferably choose organic eggs.
  • Natural Fat, High-Fat Sauces: Using butter and cream when you cook can make your food taste better and make you feel more satiated. Try a Béarnaise or Hollandaise sauce, check the ingredients or make it yourself. Coconut oil and olive oil are also good options.
  • Vegetables that Grow Above Ground: All kinds of cabbage, such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. Asparagus, zucchini, eggplant, olives, spinach, mushrooms, cucumber, lettuce, avocado, onions, peppers, tomatoes etc.
  • Dairy products: Always select full-fat options like real butter, cream (40% fat), sour cream, Greek/Turkish yoghurt and high-fat cheeses. Be careful with regular milk and skim milk as they contain a lot of milk sugar. Avoid flavoured  sugary and low-fat products.
  • Nuts: Good to eat instead of candy in front of the television (preferably in moderation).
  • Berries: Okay in moderation, if you are not a super strict or sensitive. Good with whipped cream.

Drink most days

  • Water
  • Coffee: Try it with full-fat cream
  • Tea

Once in a while (You decide when the time is right. Your weight loss may slow down a bit.)

  • Alcohol: Dry wine (regular red or dry white whine), whisky, brandy, vodka and cocktails without sugar.
  • Dark chocolate: Above 70 % cocoa, preferably just a bit.

Avoid if you can

  • Sugar: The worst. Soft drinks, candy, juice, sports drinks, chocolate, cakes, buns, pastries, ice cream, breakfast cereals. Preferably avoid sweeteners as well.
  • Starch: Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, French fries, potato chips, porridge, muesli and so on. “Wholegrain products” are just less bad. Moderate amounts of root vegetables may be OK (unless you’re eating extremely low carb).
  • Margarine: Industrially imitated butter with unnaturally high content of omega-6 fat. Has no health benefits, tastes bad. Statistically linked to asthma, allergies and other inflammatory diseases.
  • Beer: Liquid bread. Full of rapidly absorbed carbs, unfortunately.
  • Fruit: Very sweet, lots of sugar. Eat once in a while. Treat fruit as a natural form of candy.

 Breakfast suggestions

  • Eggs and bacon
  • Omelet
  • Leftovers from last night’s dinner
  • Coffee with cream
  • A can of mackerel and boiled eggs
  • Boiled egg with mayonnaise or butter
  • Avocado, salmon and crème fraiche
  • Sandwich on
  • A piece of very thin hard bread with lots of butter, cheese, ham, etc.
  • Cheese with butter on it
  • Boiled eggs mashed with butter, chopped chives, salt and pepper
  • A piece of brie cheese and some ham or salami
  • High-fat yoghurt with nuts and seeds (and maybe berries)

Lunch and dinner

  • Meat, fish or chicken dishes with vegetables and a rich full-fat sauce. There are many alternatives to potatoes, such as mashed cauliflower.
  • Stews, soups or casseroles with low-carb ingredients.
  • You can  use most recipes in cookbooks if you avoid the carbohydrate-rich ingredients. It’s often a good idea to add fat (e.g. butter, cream) to the recipe.
  • Drink water with your meal or (occasionally) a glass of wine.

When you eat a low-carb diet with more fat and a bit more protein you will probably not need to eat as often. Don’t be surprised if you no longer need to a snack. Many people do well on two or three meals per day. If you need a snack:

  • Rolled-up cheese or ham with a vegetable (some people even spread butter on cheese)
  • Olives
  • Nuts
  • A piece of cheese
  • A boiled egg from the refrigerator
  • Canned mackerel in tomato sauce

(source: kostdoktorn/dietdoctor)

I am not very good at baking but like bread. Here is a low carb alternative of bread, available both light and dark. (in Sweden you find it at ICA)

List over the amount of carb, fibre and vitamin C in different fruit and veggies
(sorry, only in Swedish. Source: lchf-kost
(a more complete list on this blog, or on LCHF.se (in swedish)

Produkt Kolhydrater (g) Fibrer (g) C-vitamin (mg)
Ananas 11,7 1,2 15
Apelsin 10,8 1,9 53
Aprikos 9,3 2,1 10
Aubergine 3,7 2,5 2
Avokado 4,4 3,3 8
Banan 22,0 1,7 9
Blomkål 3,9 2,4 73
Broccoli 3,1 3,1 83
Brysselkål 4,7 4,2 85
Bondbönor 7,5 4,2 33
Bönor (gröna) 3,5 3,9 16
Bönor (vax) 4,7 2,7 21
Citron 7,3 2,0 53
Dill 7,4 2,8 70
Fikon 11,7 2,5 2
Fänkål 1,8 3,3 31
Granatäpple 7,0 10,0 6
Grapefrukt 7,0 1,9 39
Groddar (lins) 19,1 3,0 17
Groddar (sojaböns) 7,0 3,0 15
Gräslök 1,7 2,1 41
Grönkål 5,7 3,8 120
Gurka 2,1 0,7 9
Jordärtskocka 12,9 4,5 6
Kastanj 39,0 6,8 43
Kiwi 10,2 3,8 63
Kronärtskocka 7,3 5,0 11
Kålrabbi 4,4 1,8 62
Kålrot 6,4 2,7 36
Lime 10,3 0,5 29
Lök (gul/röd) 6,0 1,2 6
Majs 22,1 2,9 7
Mango 15,0 0,8 28
Melon (honungs) 7,9 0,9 25
Melon (nät) 7,1 1,0 42
Melon (vatten) 7,5 0,6 10
Morot 8,7 2,4 6
Nektarin 11,7 0,4 5
Palsternacka 11,0 4,5 6
Papaya 8,8 1,9 62
Paprika (grön) 3,3 2,0 115
Paprika (gul) 4,4 3,0 205
Paprika (röd) 5,2 1,9 200
Passionsfrukt 7,4 15,9 30
Pepparrot 10,8 7,3 152
Persika 8,6 2,1 8
Persilja 4,4 2,9 182
Plommon 10,2 1,8 10
Potatis 16,1 1,4 11
Pumpa 4,4 1,7 9
Purjolök 5,2 2,4 40
Päron 11,0 3,9 5
Rabarber 2,7 1,4 13
Rotselleri 4,9 3,1 11
Rädisa 2,2 1,6 33
Rättika 2,5 1,6 20
Rödbeta 8,5 2,3 10
Rödkål 3,7 1,9 57
Sallat (huvud) 2,7 1,2 9
Sallat (isbergs) 2,0 1,0 4
Sockerärt 6,0 6,0 21
Sparris 2,4 1,5 33
Spenat 0,7 1,3 46
Tomat 3,7 1,4 20
Vindruva 15,7 1,6 11
Vitkål 3,8 2,0 36
Vitlök 31,1 1,5 31
Ärter (gröna) 8,8 5,5 40
Äpple 12,4 1,8 12