Author Archives: Ingo

Exam exercise no. 2

The exercise no. 2  in my course was to pick one of 5 photos from The Photo Book, analyse and interpret it, reflect and comment on the compostition, comment and reflect on the image-text and finally explain what I understand with the term punctum. This is a resume of the exam that contained approx. 5.000 characters.

My choice was Goldfish Glass, 1937 by Herbert List.

Location is the Greek island Santorini. The sun is setting behind a glass bowl with a swimming gold fish. According to List, “the fish symbolizes the human spirit trapped in the material world. It cannot escape from that setting into whatever lies beyond, which is represented by light playing on the distant water.”

My interpretation was that even if the photo is from 1937 it can symbolize the modern man. We live in a “bowl”, moving around between family and work. We look out through the “glass”, TV, Internet, Facebook etc, to the rest of the world – “so close but still so far away”.

The term punctum can be explained like a feeling the viewer get from a detail in the photo. The feeling can be a knowledge, memory and/or experience the viewer has about the detail or the photo.

I have been to Santorini a couple of times and punctum for me in this photo was that I remembered the visit to the island in the photo. It was an active volcano with sulfur steam and the smell of rotten egg…

Exam exercise no. 1

Exam exercise no. 1 in the course Photography – visual communication, was to take a photo from a working place or from the home. I chose to take a photo of our kitchen (actually quite a few but I should only send one) . Together with the photo I should attach a description with  about 500 words explaining the choices I made regarding Motif, Message, Content and Form. Things like why I used portrait format instead  of landscape, the meaning of diagonal lines, lightning, composition rules like “repetition and order” etc….

Got the result today and I passed 🙂

Teachers rating: “The picture is smooth and stylish, you use many photographic grip in your photography, good! Your documentation is excellent with feedbacks to the course literature and lessons.”


Window vs. Mirror

On the course I am attending, Photography – visual communication, we learned a concept called window and mirror.

The exercise was to take a window and a mirror version of the same motif :

Window:  observation and no participation. A bridge, a boat and a sea – that’s it…

Uppgift: Illustrera begreppet "windows"

Mirror: more involvement and participation. Added some  composition elements that lead your eye to two men that talk about??? is it the weather, boat or how long and high is the bridge???…

Uppgift: Illustrera begreppet "mirror"


What happened @ summer holiday 2011

It was some time ago we finished the summer holiday 2011. Today, Nine eleven, has the same weather like most of this summer – 19 degrees, sun mixed with heavy showers. Thought I should evaluate the summer holiday 2011.

Before the vacation Mickey and I agreed on some “projects”:

  • Camp Møller
    Visit my colleague Bo & family at their summer residence at Marienlyst.  Beach, minigolf, jogging, good food etc.

  • Game box
    Mickey designed 2 boxes for his video games that we made and cover them with art we created in Photoshop.

    All images

  • Golf
    Pay & Play golf at Hylliekroken Golfcenter. We had the pleasure having our neighbour, Håkan, as golf instructor.
  • Canoe trip
    The plan was to go on a two day canoe trip with overnight camping on an island in Immeln. Since I’m not a hard core camper, I didn’t like to camp in pouring rain. During the actual week, it was not possible to find two days in a row where it didn’t rain. We decided to go on a one day trip instead and we were happy – it didn’t start raining until 14.00. It was a great day anyway, getting close to nature with stop overs on different small islands 🙂

    All photos

  • Minigolf Folkets park
    A fun adventure golf court at Folkets Park in Malmö. 14 holes with themes from different sights in Malmö.
  • Hälsans stig
    Mickey and I spent several hours walking the 9 km “path of health” and took the opportunity of  doing some photo safari at the same time…

    All photos


  • Camp Jensen
    A week before the official summer vacation we visited colleague Rune & family who rented a house on Bornholm. A weekend with “walk abouts”, mountain biking, “John Deer gardening”, nice food and drinks…

    All photos


Camp Gothia 2011

In 2010 I ran a half marathon over the Öresund bridge and this year I wanted to try a city run.

My commuting friend, Christian, recommended Göteborgsvarvet. It’s the biggest event in the world of this kind. About 60.000 registered runners ending up being around 50.000 that actually take the tour around Göteborg.

Since January I used a program from together with our neighbour, Cathrine. We started with 2 training 2 times/week and when the weather became warmer and better, we trained 3 times/week. The goal was to finish on 2 hours.

We took the train to Göteborg in the morning the 21 May. It seemed like a surprise for the train crew why there were so many people on the train with jogging dress. Fortunately Cathrine had reserved seats. After arriving at the stadium, we had to kill a few hours since we were in the last group starting at 16:00. The weather was nice and there were several big screens and entertainment to keep us occupied.

It was great to run through the different kind of scenery, parks, bicycle roads, bridges, harbour side, The Avenue etc. Lot’s of people cheering and lot’s of bands playing, even if we were the last group. Imagine it’s even more party earlier on. Passed the finish line on 2.05.11, which I am very happy with.

There were large shower facilities, one for men and one for woman, wide apart from each other. It was little bit challenging and with a bit too narrow comfort zone taking a shower at a place like this…

Another challenge was to manage to reach the train home in time. The last train left Göteborg to Malmö at 19.42 and we had to run the last part – how fun was that with 21,1 km + in the legs already? The public transport between Göteborg and Malmö could be improved on a day like this.

I like to thank my coaches Mogens, Christian, Bo (also for letting me borrow his Garmin :-), Andreas and of course the “co pilot”, Cathrine, for helping me full fill this goal.

Göteborgsvarvet 2012 is May 12 and I have registered. Maybe see you then 🙂

Göteborgsvarvet on Facebook
A Göteborgsvarvet video – on Facebook
Take the tour  – from 2010 with comment in swedish
Article in Swedish how to prepare the last week
Dogme video filmed by our running coach @ work, Mogens and edited by his son Lars that made it on 1.09

The e-commerce platform

After some serious research and some good recommendations from friends and colleagues, thanks for that, I ended up selecting oscommerce as platform for (closed).

A major reason for using oscommerce is that it’s the platform for (closed) and looking through the check list from the last post:

  • User friendly front end and back end – prefer to see most of the information on one page instead of many, like tabs. Check
  • Newsletter subscribe/unsubscribe – WYSIWYG newsletter designer, overview of subscribers Check
  • Swedish and Danish language pack Check
  • Swedish and Danish currency Check
  • Payment gateway to Swedish to hosts like wannafind, payer (se), epay, payson etc. On the To Do list
  • Easy to design in CSS files, template files or HTML files Easy? but possible
  • Easy to create extra information pages with WYSIWYG editing Check
  • Product description with WYSIWYG editor Check
  • Easy cross sell feature Check
  • Free templates for download and easy installation Haven’t investigated this yet
  • More than one image on the description Check
  • Lightbox display of images – fast, neat and editable Lightbox installed but only working on some pages
  • Who’s online feature – real time view of who is visiting, are they registered customer, what they buy, where they come from etc. Check
  • For the future a Live help feature There is possibility for this

The oscommerce is maybe the e-commerce platform that started it all. Now days there are a few different versions built on oscommerce: