Author Archives: Ingo

Happy New Year

2009 is a gonner, very rapidly I would say. 1½ hour to the Danish Queen’s new year speach. This year we are having a “real” Swedish new year (probably with some Norwegian input) for the first time in many years. The festivities start at 19.00 so we have time to watch the speach – tradition is strong…

Yesterday we spent the evening at Vallåsen Skicenter with 4 hours of skiing between 17.00-19.00 on lit slopes, clear sky, lots of stars and full moon. Maybe that should be a new tradition…

Last year we went to Gran Canaria 5 December for a week in the sun. This year we went to the same place 11 December. That could be a tradition…

Time to say goodbye to the zeroes and welcome to the teens. Hopefully with some good food, wine, champagne, drinks, nice company and fireworks – that is the tradition 🙂

Maspalomas, Gran Canaria 2009

What’s your traditions?

To the blind all is sudden

Sunday 1 of advent Swedish cities have “skyltsöndag“. This is to get the Christmas feeling starting. The shops are open and display Christmas decorations in the windows. Some serve “glögg och pepparkakor” (mould wine and ginger bread).  According to wikipedia the first skyltsöndag was in Stockholm 1953. had together with Shiva Tea House also opened and I served glögg and “æbleskiver” from 12.00-18.00. Æbleskiver is a Danish tradition/delicates and are mostly enjoyed at Christmas time served with icing sugar and jam.  Translated to English æbleskiver is apple slices but these days there is no sign of apples in it. It’s a small ball made of a sort of pancake dough. In the old days (1700) it was slices of apples fried in flour and butter.

Among all of the visitor there was a very nice, happy and friendly blind couple. They were born blind and could only distinguish between light and dark. I served them æbleskiver and glögg and tried to explain what it was. The challenge was when they asked what kind of shop is – what kind of interior decoration is it? It was really a big challenge because how to describe a pink drawer, grand-pa watches, silver glossy tin cans, multi coloured patch work blankets etc. to someone  who always been blind?

We also had a talk about the internet. Even if they were blind they surfed the internet. Some blind people use “read back” that read the content on the page. This couple used a Braille pad where they read the content on the page with their fingertips, incredible. This made me think about the importance of web accessibility. Just think about a small detail as a phone number written 12345678 which is twelve million three-hundred and forty-five thousand six-hundred and seventy-eight instead of 12 34 56 78  – twelve thirty-four fifty-six seventy-eight…


Finally the collection of my acrylic paintings is on line.

Most of the paintings are made from photos from our round the world trip 1989-1990. A few are made as orders. For instance a friend or customer showed me an image and asked if I could paint that on canvas or hardboard.

The genre could be called realism. I thought it was called magic realism but I learned that that genre refers to realistic paintings with one or more magic details in the picture.

After a few years in the basement collecting dust, some of them has been moved up to a wall in the living room.

Acrylic paintings on the wall

The risk

Living on one side of a lot of water and working on the other and the only connection is a bridge + tunnel there is always a risk being stuck on one or the other side. If it’s good or bad getting stuck probably depends on the circumstances. Yesterday (Wednesday 18/11) me and my fellow carpool friends got stuck on the Danish side due to a truck that apparently was affected by the strong wind and blocked the road around 16.30. After some time walking around Fields shopping centre we decided to drive to a Metro station and take public transport over to the other side of the sound. The bridge opened again for the car traffic around 21.00. I arrived home 21.30 with public transport…

In the 3 years we have been living in Malmö this was the third time I was stuck in Denmark but this was the first time it took such a long time for it to open again.

Of course there is a risk driving over a bridge and under a long tunnel everyday but I guess there is a risk just being…


Header images

This theme Panorama make it possible to change the images in the top of the page in an easy way.

I found a number of photos in our photo library and after some Photoshop treatment I uploaded them.  They are  displayed in a random order.


Back in the 80’s,  I had a little studio in a basement in the small Swedish town Falkenberg. The studio that was called Noggin*, had a silk printing set where I printed T-shirts and sweatshirts. There was also a large drafts table where I draw print designs and did some airbrush paintings.

For a couple of years I created a christmas card that I sent to customers and friends. In -87 I made some postcards that Vibe and I brought with us (togehter with a ski box full of sweatshirts) to the Three Vallées in France, where we spent a skiseason. We sold the sweatshirts and postcards at the After Ski pubs – good times. 🙂

On the original size painting of this post card, the tools are in scale 1:1…
Drawing tools
See my airbrush paintings ::>

See Airbrushing videos on Youtube.

*Noggin means head and Noggin the Nog was the name of a British childrens character – a viking. I got Noggin as nickname from some english friends I had back in the 80’s. The pacifier was a kind of “logo” I used…

Theme III

The today’s theme is called Panorama. I like this one and I think I stick to it for a while. It has a clean design, it’s quite easy to edit, the plugins work and Panorama is a good name 😉
What do you think?

To change font style, size, color etc. you do that in a stylesheet in the wordpress editor. Here you also can edit other parts/pages of the site. It’s a good thing to know a little about html and/or php if you like to start editing:
Edit Theme
I have removed a search box, changed headings, link color and some other small things…

Next step is to change the panorama images at the top to some of our own images.

Theme Panorama

Themes II

It is not easy to find a Theme that fullfill my different criterias. I like it to be “clean” and simple – “k.i.s.s.” There is even a theme with the name k.i.s but I can’t make it work properly with some of the plugins I’ve installed and I couldn’t adjust the design the way I like. Impatient -> next theme…

The theme of today is called Grey Matter and looks ok with some nice features. Just find it a little bit difficult to change the design. Maybe I just have to try harder 😉

A theme I like is Flashy. It’s not so “clean” and simple but I think it’s fun. I had problems with the images on this one…

Getting late so I keep looking later on. Let me know what you like from your side of the screen

Grey Matter


In WordPress the “look n’ feel” is called Themes. There are 1.000+ different designs to choose from. Most of them can be altered in the code, the style sheet and plugins.

The challenge is to find one you like and that it works in different browsers. For instance I can’t get the navigation tabs to work in This Just In! in Internet Explorer 6 and 7.  In other themes the so called lightbox doesn’t work proparly, and so on.

I like to have a “clean” design that works so I guess I have to keep looking. Don’t be surprised if the design keep on changing…

Screen dump of This Just In!

Links & Stats

I have edited the so called Blogroll to the right.

The Blog Links are the blogs listed in my reader and WordPress Links are some of the standard links WordPress provide as default. If you have any good and interesting blogs about webdesign, photoshop, photography etc. don’t hesitate to send me a link.

To find out if there is anyone that visits this site, I have installed a Stats plugin. It is very easy to install and use.

I have noticed that this site doesn’t work so good in IE 6. Sorry for that but I suggest you try another browser or I try to find another Theme 😉